Saturday the 2nd of March the local show in the province of Groningen (Netherlands) was on. Koepon Classy 233 (EX 90, s. AltaSpring) took part. Koepon Kenny and Koepon Arnie are two high genomics sons of her at K.I. Kampen. It does not happen very often that high genomics bulls come from a 100.000 kgs of milk dam. At the show, the story became even more impressive: Classy 233 made it to senior champion. She proofs: good type, super production and longevity can go together!
Photo: Koepon Classy 233 at the Groninger Rundveeshow: this is how a cow with 102.388 kgs of milk should look like

The judge was impressed with the udder attachment of Classy 233. She is still very youthful and although she was very late in the lactation, there was no doubt she was the senior champion. The family is full of long lasting cows. The dam of Classy 233 produced 71.838 kgs of milk. Her dam (VG 87) passed the 10.000 kgs fat and protein lifespan production at eleven years of age. She was the eleventh generation of Classy with at least VG 85. Photo: Classy 233 is a very impressive cow from back to front

Koepon melkveebedrijf congratulations on this great results!