New genomics testbull, De Vlog Finito (Powerlift x Treasure, aAa 345, A2A2) is ticking all the boxes that K.I. Kampen want from a bull. His cow family is at least VG 85 and at least 3.50% protein for generations. Dam and granddam got VG 86 with an average protein of 3.91% and 3.85%.
Photo: Maternal great granddam Machel Joni 3 (VG 89) is a super producer

Sire Powerlift Rf (Abundant x Adorable) has his first daughters milking. These are late maturing persistent animals with good type and super production. Paternal grandsire Treasure has thousands of daughters milking all over the world. The oldest are fourth calver. He gives very easy to manage cows with high fertility, low scc which are very late maturing. The genomcis profile of Finito shows super type and plusses for all production traits. His daughter will not be too tall and they will be very suitable for robotic milking. They will have longer teats than average. Finito is a bull that has very nice proportions, a super topline and rocket hard feet and legs. Photo: De Vlog Finito is a bull with the right proportions who can add commercial qualities to your herd