The new proofrun got some great news for K.I. Kampen customers. Variation is the base of breeding. Only variation gives you the choice to really pick what your cows need. K.I. Kampen will keep on working on variation within the Holstein breed. VDR Shakesepeare (Ranger x Malki, aAa 5136) has a very nice plus in his index. He is a bull that gives daughters with high components with very good type. Especially feet and legs are very good. Also on most management traits his daughters are doing well. Hoofhealth and udder health remain great. We can not wait to see how the oldest daughters develop in their second lactation. Shakespeare is suitable for heifers and sexed available. Photo: Hendrika 740 is a typical Shakeseparedaughter with super feet and legs and a great udder

Weinterper Solution (Finder x Guard, aAa 234, A2A2) impresses with his thirdcalver daughters. They get better every lactation. His index is getting better every proofrun too. Production, type and management traits are all of very high level. This year the heifers of his daughterproven period will start to calf in. Farmers and K.I. Kampen are very much looking forward to see how they will make money for the dairyfamers. Solution is sexed available. Photo: Weinterper Solution not only is impressive himself, his daughters perform super too

Koepon Random (Ranger x Board, aAa 234, A2A2) is losing a little bit on total index, but he remains number 1 type daugther proven in the Netherlands. His production is amongst the highest level and many other traits make him very interesting. Random is Blird carrier, it is important to keep that in mind while making the mating. Random is sexed available.
Photo: Koepon Random his milk index is down a little bit, but he remains very popular with 1606 daughters in his production index

In the black and white genomics two bulls are getting more and more attractive: Double W Magic P (Amuse x Deliver, aAa 534, A2A2) is the top of the polled Holstein. And he is very outcross for polled as his sire and maternal grandsire were horned. VDR Steven Tyler (Gigaliner x Bandares, aAa 435, A2A2) comes from a cowfamily that delivers in bulls and cows. Steven Tyler is very high in type. Both bulls combine very high production with very high longevity. Steven Tyler is sexed available. Photo: Double W Magic P has a super index and is very outcross in the polled segment

In Red and White daughter proven, two new topbulls came through. Timmer Torrox (Jacuzzi x Finder, aAa 234) is the new champion in kilos fat and protein. Torroxdaughters are easy to manage. Milking speed is point of attention, but his daughters improve his genomics proof on this trait. Torrox is sexed available. Barendonk Go Now (Goal Red x Fun P, aAa 5346) is the second newcomer. His daughters have a good production and good daughter fertility. His daughters are not very tall but very balanced. Photo: Torrox is the first daughterproven Jazuzzison at K.I. Kampen. In kilos fat he is the number 2 in the Netherlands

The popular Red and White daughter proven bulls do a great job with a plus in their index now more daughters get in their proof. De Broekhof Tolean (Anreli Red x Danno, aAa 315, A2A2) is increasing his position as allrounder with slightly longer teats. Tolean is suitable for heifers and sexed available. Groenibo Reliever (Anreli Red x Jetset, aAa 513, A2A2) was new in December. Reliever (Anreli Red x Jetset, aAa 513, A2A2) is distinguishing himself more and more as components specialist for robust daughters. His daughters perform without attention and farmers who are milking his daughters are ordering semen again. Reliever is suitable for heifers and sexed available. Photo: Groenibo Reliever is making farmers very happy. His second index based on daughters shows a very nice plus

Last but not least in daughterproven: our legend Caps Angelo (Riverboy x Fageno, aAa 342, A2A2) increased again. His eldest daughters finished their first lactation and that is impressive. Impressive to farmers, impressive to K.I. Kampen and also impressive in the index. Although he is a little older now his index is getting better all the time. His production index is based on 1430 daughters. The demand for Angelo will remain high. Photo: The daughters of Caps Angelo at the K.I. Kampen Open Days in 2022 were very impressive. His index is getting better every proofrun

In Red and White genomics, Wilskracht Worldcup (Taskforce P x Jaffa P, aAa 243, A2A2) and Wilskracht Wahoo P (Cartoon P x Jaffa P, aAa 342) are very interesting. Bulls with very high components and super type. Both will give healthy and fertile daughters. Worldcup is sexed available.
Photo: Worldcup en Wahoo P come form the Warsi/Warsau family. Their maternal granddam is Wilskracht Warsi 879 (A93). A cow that combines super production and super type!